Take a walk down to the local park on the weekend and you'll likely see several parents pushing their young children around in strollers. One thing that you may notice is the huge variety of strollers that are out there at the moment. You'll most likely never see the same one twice (at least on the same day) so how do you know which one is the best?
You can start by looking at what's popular, so here area couple of the most popular baby strollers on the market. One of the best selling on the market at the moment is the Contours Options 3Wheeler stroller, which has a removable seat that can be turned round to face either the front or the back (and can be taken out and used as a car seat), a canopy and even a cup-holder for the rider!
Contours Lite Stroller
As far as the maneuverability goes, it's extremely easy to steer and was built to be dynamic and easy to control. It costs around 0 so it's a long way from being the cheapest stroller on the market, but it definitely has the features and build quality to justify such a hefty price tag.
The Graco Lite Rider stroller is the most popular pushchair on Amazon.com, and it's not surprising when you consider that it can be bought for a little over . It has plenty of storage room at the back, a canopy roof on it and handles extremely well(thanks to its lightweight design). If you're looking for a stroller on a budget,this could well be the one for you.
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Contours Lite Stroller, Tangerine Feature
- 6" front single swivel and 8" rear wheels for low resistance strolling - single wheels for more contemporary, sleek look
- Convenient free-stand 1-hand fold gives parents a free hand
- Child snack tray with extra-large drink holder rotates and removes for easy access
- Features for baby's comfort include multi-position reclining seat, 3-tier canopy and height adjustable 5-point harness with strap cover sleeves
- Large basket accomodates all baby's gear
Contours Lite Stroller, Tangerine Overview
Contours Lite stroller’s compact and lightweight frame goes from planes, trains to automobiles with ease. The single front casters and large rear wheels steer clear of crowds or sidewalk bumps making 1-hand maneuverability a breeze.Available In Stock. |